Prison minister and author Chuck Colson writes: “When I was at Buckingham Palace last year, Prince Philip asked me, “What can we do about crime here in England?”
I replied, “Send more children to Sunday School.” He thought I was joking. But I pointed out a study by sociologist Christie Davies, which found that in the first half of the 1800’s, British society was marked by high levels of crime and violence, which dropped dramatically in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.
What changed the entire nation’s national character?
Throughout that period, attendance at Sunday Schools rose steadily until, by 1888, a full 75 percent of children in England were enrolled. Since then, attendance has fallen off to one-third its peak level, with a corresponding increase in crime and disorder. If we fill the Sunday Schools, we can change hearts and restore society.”
This is quite a claim! The dangers facing our children and our society as a whole are even greater today than they were back then. Our youngest of children must be taught to be wary of even the closest of family friends. The dangers to our children are many. They can be taught about the dangers of drugs and alcohol through wonderful programs like DARE, and for them we are thankful, but have they been enough to ensure that our children will learn to make wise decisions and be safe and well? What can parents do?
Parents can begin early to take their children to Sunday School, or Church School, as some would call it. And parents can set an example by attending adult classes at the same time.
Psalm 119:105 tells us: “Thy word, O Lord, is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” God’s Word, as found in the Holy Scriptures, is a brilliant light that staves off the darkness and can keep our children on the path of life. It gives them much more than knowledge – it gives our children wisdom.
In the Bible, God imparts wisdom to us and to our children. The Holy Scriptures, more than any human program, have the power to keep our children (and ourselves!) wise and well in life – and to prepare us for the life to come. Our children can grow in wisdom, and in stature, and in favor with God and all persons, just like Jesus did (Luke 2:52). They can know the difference between right and wrong, which is what, essentially, wisdom is. This is what is taught in Sunday School.
As summer ends, the new Sunday School year is beginning. We come to it with excitement, anticipation, and hope. We are hopeful that through this generation’s dedication to providing our children a strong foundation of faith, they will grow to not only love and serve God, but to serve their communities, as well. Why not call your local church to sign your children up for Sunday School today, and become a part of the moral strengthening of our community?